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Mei-nong family umbrella— Origin Make Umbrellas Lee ming-hsiang
  In 1989, because make in home umbrellas undertaking, cause in home study umbrellas, study parents make umbrellas. Ex-serviceman continue in home study make umbrellas, especially in preservation and promotion of the art ,oil-paper umbrellas.
  In 2005 at Mei-nong Li reverence word pavilion established reverence word pavilion umbrellas. Thanks parents teaching originate [The Lee family Umbrellas ] trademark.
  Make Umbrellas Concept:
  1.persist < tradition oil-paper umbrellas > spirit and preserving the traditional handicraft culture.
  2.Innovate < traditions paper umbrellas >modernization tide art. Investigate different paper, material, drawing pigment to mix in paper accommodate, exploitation conform modernization new type to different Hakka make paper umbrellas and reference different county paper umbrellas make technique, study technique, endow at traditions oil-paper umbrellas show art.
  3.Hope < traditions paper umbrellas > perpetuity spread- culture traditions paper umbrellas need four people make, study paste paper six month, study umbrellas one years and two month, study apply oil four month. A make paper umbrellas need various sorts terms, the basic make paper umbrellas worker to maintain economical life. So heighten paper umbrellas diversification use, Example practical, decoration. Art ,gift, collection different need, raise paper economical effect and make paper worker economical life, from life be people study make ,to make umbrellas technical impartation. A Mei-nong oil-paper umbrellas culture continue to enhance.
Jing Zih Ting oil-paper umbrella factory
No.339, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Meinong Township, Kaohsiung County 843, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL: 07-6821325
COPYRIGHT©Jing Zih Ting oil-paper umbrella factory WebDesign Magicnet